SNG Corporate Relocation Services

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About Steven Gershman

Steven Gershman

Steven Gershman is the president of SNG Corporate Relocation Services. He has been practicing real estate since 1989 and has been involved in corporate relocation for over 20 years. In 2003, he established his own company, of which he is the sole entity, SNG Corporate Relocation Services. He works exclusively with foreign and domestic lateral transferees from sixteen Fortune 500 companies.

He has been so fortunate to work with these fine companies and finds himself asking them why they appointed him over the major real estate companies. The relocation counselors usually respond by mentioning that they always received wonderful letters from transferees stating how warm and professional he came across. A number of companies have been pleased that he focuses all his attention on the needs of the incoming associates instead of dividing his time pursuing exclusive listings.

He has also been honored to be the winner of renting the most homes with Related Management, which manages the Time Warner complex. Every agent in town had the opportunity to participate in the contest.

Privacy Policy

SNG Relocation Services, Inc takes very seriously the privacy of our users' personal information.

SNG collects the names, biometrics, addresses and certain financial information from its users. It collects this information strictly to assist users in applying for and obtaining title and/or leases to real estate in the New York from landlords and/or management companies. Users have the right at any time to direct SNG to access, correct or delete their personal information. This includes the deletion of computer data and/or paper records.

SNG only shares personal information collected on its website to apply for and obtain title and/or leases to real estate in the New York area. It only shares information with third-parties in a position to fulfill this purpose, i.e., landlords and management companies for the properties involved in the individual transaction. However, SNG may be required to disclose users' personal information in response to a lawful request by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

For any privacy inquiries or complaints, users can contact Steven Gershman at SNG is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission.